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Apr 18, 2022
Aikido Pain Scale
Love this quote - “Learning is a gift, even if pain is the teacher” (James Garner). This is MY personal pain scale. You might have your...

Apr 4, 2022
One Sensei on the Mat
No one teaches other than the teacher. If help is requested/needed keep the verbal instruction to a minimum.

Mar 7, 2022
Effective Pinning
My Sensei insists on tight techniques, leaving no room for wiggling and escaping, so when going for pins I try to do exactly that....

Feb 7, 2022
Aikido Intro - Poster #2
Poster #2 is finally ready! Some more basic terms, concepts and techniques that would have been great to have in front of me when I...

Jan 24, 2022
Aikido Style S&M
With an endless list of injuries, bruises, and countless aches and pains that sadly remind me I’m getting old…er, I keep wondering why...

Jan 10, 2022
Height Adjustments - Tall Uke, Short Nage
Not taking into account the little kiddies class I’m always the short Nage. Unless I extend/direct/lure you tall guys (actually anyone...

Jan 3, 2022
Height Adjustments - Short Uke, Tall Nage
Always a little amusing to train with a much taller Nage who doesn’t drop his center big time to my level, leaving me with the...

Dec 20, 2021
Big Wrists
Those big, huge, thick, log-like wrists I can barely grab with both hands…. Of course, I need to grow bigger hands, or adjust my...

Dec 13, 2021
All Big Tall Giant Dudes...
WTH! I’m pretty sure we had some short/petite people in the dojo before COVID started!!!

Dec 6, 2021
Dojo Improvements…
It used to be just me (I think), gasping for air, on the verge of fainting 5 minutes into class. Now it seems the whole puffing and...

Nov 22, 2021
Randori / Jiyu waza
After the long Covid break I still need more time to get back whatever muscle memory I had. Right now when it comes to randori or Jiyu...

Nov 8, 2021
Injuries Happen
Drew this one quite a while back but never posted it, and then last Monday it happened to a guy in our dojo. He tore his toenail when it...

Nov 1, 2021
My Ura Experience
Sure!… No brute force used… And No, you haven’t noticed your uke is half your size.... Be mindful of the different people you train with,...

Oct 11, 2021
Inspiration Board
Was there a particular actor or movie that got you started with martial arts? Here are some that came to mind, in no particular order or...

Sep 20, 2021
Aikido vs Ameri-Do-Te
I’m a big fan of Master Ken, the creator of the martial art Ameri-Do-Te. I admire the no BS, uncomplicated, straightforward approach....

Sep 13, 2021
Types of Throws
Traditional: My favorite way to get thrown Brutal: My least favorite way to get thrown Covid-19: Long distance relationships Ki...

Aug 30, 2021
Be grateful for the one you hate training with...
On the subject of “Everyone you train with has something to teach you” which I brought up last week... Yes, that also includes the one...

Aug 23, 2021
Be grateful for the beginner
In case some of us forgot this with the excitement and eagerness to be back training. Everyone you train with has something to teach you,...

Aug 2, 2021
Suburi, Suburi, Suburi!!!
I should have practiced my bokken and jo during the COVID break, I know. Now it feels so awkward.

Jul 26, 2021
Testing my muscle memory after a long COVID break...
Ushiro ryote dori, kokyuho, ki no nagare… Sure!!!... What the hell???.... Which leg goes where? What direction do I turn to? Why are my...
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