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Jun 21, 2021
Aikido Intro #47: Katame Waza
Went over pinning and controlling techniques. In two weeks I’ll be able to go back on the mat and while I’m a little concerned about all...

Jun 7, 2021
Aikido Intro #186: First Four Teachings
Basic Aikido Techniques Ikkyo - First Teaching: Elbow control. Leveraging uke to the ground to an arm pin by controlling elbow and wrist....

Mar 29, 2021
Aikido Intro #5: Hanmi
"The founder said that the key to effective hip work was in the legs...this means the hips cannot be stable unless the legs are steady....

Mar 22, 2021
Aikido intro #35: Shikko
A form of walking on your knees from seiza which improves balance, hip stability and strength, and necessary for the execution of...

Mar 15, 2021
Aikido Intro #49: Attacks
Every time I got tested and had to select and call out a different attack I blacked out. I should have prepared this cheatsheet a long...

Mar 1, 2021
Aikido Intro #14: Ukemi
To stay safe - Not only to avoid injury, but to be aware of what is going on so you’re able to find and respond to openings. To...

Feb 22, 2021
Aikido Intro #154: Uchi, Soto
One of the hardest things for me when I first started training was remembering all the Japanese terms and as a matter of fact I still...

Feb 16, 2021
Aikido Intro #7: Uke and Nage
Both roles are essential to successfully study and practice each technique. Uke - Attacks and receives the technique. Nage/Tori - Applies...

Feb 8, 2021
Aikido Intro - Poster #1
It’s finally ready! I’ve really wanted to make a poster for our dojo with some basic terms, concepts and techniques that would have been...

Jan 18, 2021
Aikido Intro #97 - Standing bow with a Bokken
I don’t remember but probably did this one wrong as well… at least according to our dojo/style/lineage... Standing bow to the shomen:...

Dec 7, 2020
Aikido Intro #539 - Bowing with a bokken
I was asked by a fellow member of our dojo to post one with proper protocols for bowing in/out with weapons. Since I was just as unclear...

Nov 16, 2020
Aikido Intro #792 - Carrying Your Bokken
Reminder to self… because this is one of the many things I’m bound to forget by the time I’m back on the mat… When practicing - bokken to...

Oct 26, 2020
Aikido Intro #863 - Practicing with Injuries
It’s your responsibility to keep yourself safe. If you’re practicing with an injury mark your uniform (we use red tape) to indicate...

Mar 2, 2020
Aikido Intro #85 - Ai Hanmi vs. Gyaku Hanmi
Two common stances you will use with a partner. Ai Hanmi - same stance - both in right or both in left stance. Gyaku Hanmi - mirror...

Dec 30, 2019
Aikido Intro #52 - Lining Up
When preparing to bow in or out of class we line up in rank order, sitting in seiza in a straight line. Highest ranking person sitting to...

Dec 9, 2019
Aikido Intro #142 - Happo Giri
8 direction cut. Because they come from all directions...

Oct 7, 2019
Aikido Intro #372 - The Art of Peace Injury Chart
All personally tested for your convenience :) “...Make sure not to overexert your body. Even older persons should not injure...

Sep 16, 2019
Aikido Intro #1 - Rei
"There is more art in a single bow, simply and sincerely done, than in the most flawlessly executed technique." - Tanomo Saigo
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